Chapter 1

How Does Business Intelligence Improve Healthcare Agility?

The concept of agility in a healthcare organization is relatively new but rapidly taking hold. As consulting firm McKinsey & Company explains, “the healthcare industry has been slower than many of its counterparts to embrace agility, [but] payors and providers are particularly well suited to benefit from it.”

Enhance agility Efforts with these five steps

Where do you want to be?

Where do you want to be? Define your strategic objectives, then determine how agility can help your business achieve them.

Identify and understand your starting point

Assess your organization with an eye toward where agility may already exist.

Draft your new model

Define (through detailed analysis) the core functions and decision-making processes you have in place already that can be drawn upon if needed.

Use agility to become even more agile

Make use of prototypes to refine adaptations through the learning process. Shift targeted areas toward a more agile model first rather than attempting a broad shift in all teams at once.

Learn and improve

Where do you want to be? Define your strategic objectives, then determine how agility can help your business achieve them.
Two People Carrying A Pie Chart

By moving methodically through your organization to transform it section by section, you’ll soon reach a point at which your new agility model becomes self-sustaining. Then, you can use the power of BI to formalize your new agile model and institute it throughout your organization.

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