Therapy & Rehab’s ONLY ONC Certified EHR

Start Leveraging the Most Powerful All-In-One Solution

Raintree Systems | Therapy & Rehab is a leader in Physical Therapy on G2 Raintree Systems | Therapy & Rehab is a leader in Physical Therapy on G2 Raintree Systems | Therapy & Rehab is a leader in Revenue Cycle Management on G2 Raintree Systems | Therapy & Rehab is a leader in EHR on G2
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A Physical Therapy EMR That Does More

Raintree’s EMR for physical therapy is so much more than just clinical documentation. From digital intake to revenue cycle management to patient engagement, Raintree helps you take charge of your therapy and rehab practice with automated tools that make delivering care easy and engaging! 
Collections Per Visit Increased
"Our collections per visit have increased through fewer claims denials due to having the information upfront and a significantly improved follow-up procedure."
- Bay State Physical Therapy
Analyze Trends in Patient Responses
“We like being able to send out NPS and Therapy Value surveys so we can analyze trends in patient responses as well as utilize automated engagement campaigns to monitor our dropout rates, which have significantly improved since using Raintree.”
- Lucas Therapies
By Far Our Favorite EMR System
“We love being able to call you guys up and get someone on the phone that is well trained and happy to help. We've been in medical administration for 30 years now and this is by far our favorite EMR system we've used.”
- Physical Therapy Specialists

Why is Raintree the Top EMR for Physical Therapy?

Because our single-source platform is scalable and therapist-friendly! So if your therapy practice is bogged down by manual processes, then you need an EMR that has: 
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