Is Your Therapy Practice Held Back by Manual Processes?

Be More Flexible with Raintree's RCM and Billing Software

An illustration of a person standing next to a large credit card. Illustrating the page theme: RCM and billing software for physical therapy and rehabilitation practices.
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Increased Net Revenue Per Visit*
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Reduced Billing Costs*
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The Fastest Growing Practices Run on Raintree

Maximize your growth. New Raintree customers grow 15% YoY on average.

As your therapy practice grows, complexity and rising costs can easily cut into your margins. Raintree has you covered with controls in place to: 

Raintree Makes Therapy Billing Easy and Engaging

Are you getting paid?

Raintree’s revenue cycle management services and billing software for physical therapy and rehabilitation practices are built to optimize your operations — from authorizations to payment posting to follow-up.

Seamless Credentials Management

Keep your organization in compliance and reduce time spent on gathering data, documents and signatures with Raintree’s Credentialing solution.

Instantly verify provider credentials across thousands of primary sources and automate the process of storing, monitoring and verifying provider credentials.

Experience the Future of Therapy and Rehab

Join the ranks of the fastest growing therapy practices by choosing Raintree.