Founder Letter: Raintree Systems’ Mission in 2020

Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Richard Welty, shares a letter to define and reinforce Raintree Systems' mission in 2020.
A mockup of the Founder Letter about Raintree Systems' Mission in 2020

As most of the world now knows, we are all facing concerns and in some cases fears of the global impact Covid-19 poses to humanity, and we highly encourage everyone to stay home as much as possible to help curb the spread of the virus. With this being said, I want to start off by thanking those who practice social distancing and follow safety protocols for their commitment to protecting the health of our communities during the course of this pandemic. It is a great example of teamwork and cooperation that we can all be proud of.

Raintree Systems' Mission in 2020

Here at Raintree, we often use the phrase or concept of a “marathon,” and in some cases we’re talking about real marathons! But from that, the main idea that resonates with us is that we are stronger than the environment and that we will persevere — we will not give up. Just think of us as “existentially flexible,” which means that we will find new ways to add value for our customers and for each other. During this time, we are aiming to focus on our “just cause,” our primary mission: Make healthcare accessible, efficient, and affordable for everyone and now is the time for all of us to work together in order to truly make that difference. 

During this disruption in the healthcare delivery system, we are starting to see that continuity of care translates into continuity of your business and we stand ready to be a part of your business continuity plan. We are fully prepared to enable tools that you can leverage to maintain continuity of care for your patients, while reassuring them that the healthcare they need is safe. We strongly encourage you to proactively contact your major insurance carriers to see if you may treat patients that can receive their care remotely via telehealth or an e-visit instead of coming to your facility. We can also help with reassuring your patients who must come in, that you are documenting your efforts to ensure a safe treatment environment for them and your staff. Finally, we can ease your on-going communication via our Connect and telehealth tools that are WebRTC standard and industry compliant. 

These solutions present us with a unique opportunity to make a profound difference for our customers, as well as revolutionize the way healthcare professionals engage with their patients on a continual basis. For these reasons, Raintree has decided to offer our telehealth and patient communication software free of charge to physicians, therapists and other healthcare providers throughout the U.S. during this current crisis. Our ultimate goal is to make these powerful tools available to patients and healthcare providers throughout the world. 

Please let us know how we can help as we are committed to reducing anxiety and panic in terms of advancing our just cause of enabling access to healthcare for as many as possible through the use of technology. Also, look out for our upcoming webinars on how you can use Raintree’s built-in telehealth capabilities as an alternative to standard healthcare delivery methods in addition to reading our weekly blog content regarding COVID-19. 

Lastly and most importantly, please take care of yourselves and remember that social distancing is not social isolation. We all need to make the extra effort to be an encouragement to others and to stand united in this time of unprecedented change. We will all get through this together!



 Richard Welty

CEO & Founder of Raintree Systems 

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Last Updated:
September 20, 2024

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